• Invited / Oral Presentation
  • E-Poster Presentation

Guideline for Invited Speakers & Oral Presentation

APS KOREA 2025 will be held as a in-person event, so it is recommended that you attend in person.
You should attend the conference on-site (Seoul Dragon City, Seoul, Korea) and give a presentation and discussion in the assigned room.
Please note that presenting author are required to register and pay fees by March 16 (Sun), 2025.

1. Presentation Method & Type

Category Presentation Q&A
Overseas On-site

2. Presentation Time

Category Allocated Time
Symposium Presentation Time 12~25 minutes speech and 10~15 minutes Q&A
Free Paper (Oral Presentation) 10-minute speech, and 2-minute Q&A after all the presentation

3. Presentation File Format

Category English
Screen Ratio 16:9
widescreen ratio (Landscape)
Font Default font provided by MS Office
(such as Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman)
1) For Invited Speakers
2) For Oral Presenters

4. How to Submit Your Presentation File

On-site Submission (Final, Presenting Authors All)

  • Please visit the Preview Room at least 1 hour before your scheduled presentation and bring your presentation files on a USB memory stick.
  • Presenters are requested to check their presentation files to ensure they work correctly in on-site System.
  • If your presentation files(s) contain(s) movies or sound, you are requested to zip them into one folder and bring them on site (preview room) to ensure that they work properly.


  • Each session room is equipped with the following equipment.
  • A monitor, microphone, mouse and smart pointer and timer will be provided on the podium for speakers.
  • There is no keyboard on the podium.
  • The Slide Note function (Presenter View mode) will be provided by default without Room 6.
  • We recommend that you DO NOT use your own laptop computer (Apple Macintosh) for your presentation to avoid problems with computer-projector compatibility.

5. Before your Presentation

  • Please be sure to keep to the allocated presentation time in consideration of the next speaker.
  • Arrive at your session room at least 10 minutes before the session begins.
  • You will be responsible for controlling/advancing your presentation slides.

For inquiries: APS KOREA 2025 Secretariat

  • If you have any difficulties with submitting your file, please contact the APS KOREA 2025 Secretariat.
  • E-mail :

Guidelines for E-Poster Presentation

APS KOREA 2025 will be held as a in-person event, so it is recommended that you attend in person.

1. How to prepare your E-Poster

Presentation Presentation selected as E-Poster doesn't have presentation time, and it will only be displayed during the conference.
Comment Please make sure to meet the submission deadline. Files submitted after the deadline may not be uploaded properly on the DID on site.
Poster Display Your E-poster will be displayed on the DID monitor during the conference.
* Display Location : Grand Ballroom HANRA Lobby (3F)
File Name Abstract Submission No._Presenter Name

2. Template

Language English
Format PPT File ONLY (.PPTX)
Screen Ratio 381 (W) x 677.33 (H) mm, Portrait
Font Arial, Minimum 20pt
Page Limit Single 1 page
Remarks Structured format Recommended
(All contents should be included in the red frame)

3. How to submit your file

File Name Abstract Submission No._Presenter Name
Submission Please send your file to the secretariat (
Deadline March 21 (Fri), 2025

For inquiries: APS KOREA 2025 Secretariat

  • If you have any difficulties with submitting your file, please contact the APS KOREA 2025 Secretariat.
  • E-mail :