The ICBMT 2022 Organizing Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentations. Abstract submission does not constitute registration for the congress and presenters are required to register for the conference separately. Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: April 20, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: April 23, 2025
For any questions regarding abstract submission, please contact the secretariat (Email: APS KOREA 2025).
Steps for Abstract Submission
Step 1Click the Abstract Submission button
Step 2Sign up or Log in
Step 3Fill out Participant Info and Click “Add”
Step 4Complete Abstract Submission and Author Info Section
Step 5Save and Review until April 20, 2025
The abstract submission site works best using a PC with Modern browsers with ratest versions.
The site is not designed for use with older version browser (ex : Internet Explorer).
Abstract Submission Topics
Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
All abstracts must be submitted online prior to April 20, 2025.
Abstracts must be written in clear English and recommended to be limited to approximately 500 words. An abstract consists of a title, author name ‘s and affiliation, text of the submission and keywords.
Title: Capitalize the first letter of each word for the Author Information: Department, Institution, City, and Country (Degrees and titles are NOT required).
A concise title with not exceeding 30 words recommended.
No tables or images are allowed.
The abstract body text should be structured chronologically into four sections: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion. Each section should be limited to 300 words.
Keywords: No more than 6 keywords which the first word begins with a capital letter.
No additional proofreading or corrections will be allowed after the submission deadline. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
Authors have the option of choosing their presentation type (KSSMN oral presentation or KSSMN poster presentation). However, the scientific program committee will make the final decision after review.
Acknowledgment of your submission will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the corresponding author. If you do not receive this e-mail confirmation, it means we have not received your abstract. If you are sure you have submitted it, check to make sure you sent it to the correct e-mail address.
The e-mail you provided us will be used to notify you of the acceptance status and to send you updates. If you have any inquiries, please contact the secretariat at APS KOREA 2025.
Notification of Acceptance
All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee according to standard review procedures.
Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding, presenting and abstract submitting authors by April 23, 2025.
Withdrawal of Abstracts
If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the pre-registration date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please notify the KSSMN 2022 Secretariat in writing as soon as possible.